Thursday, November 01, 2007

Met Police Found Guilty Over de Menezes' Execution

Yes, the jury have found the Met Police guilty of a series of catastrophic errors which led to the execution of de Menezes. Despite their disgraceful attempts at smearing the name of an innocent man (as if anyone - other than the wackos - would think it was ok to execute him because he may/may not have taken cocaine), the police were fined £175,000 (a paltry sum given the circumstances) and condemned for failing in their duty to protect the public. And Ian Blair's position after this??

The prime minister, Gordon Brown, and the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, said Sir Ian retained their “full confidence”.

What this full confidence is in is anyone's guess. Full confidence in ethnically cleansing large parts of London one suspects.

(h/t Ten Percent)

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