Friday, August 03, 2007

USS Neverdock - Tenuous Link of the Week

UK - Scouts banned from eating burgers and bangers

by Muslims.

"Clare Haines, a spokesman for the Scout Association, said: "It was really to do with religion that we were not able to provide sausages and burgers and all that kind of food.

"We have been very careful to make sure food is provided to everybody's tastes and beliefs, so no one feels left out. "

No, Clare, it has to do with one religion, Islam, which is imposing its will on western civilization. And thanks to people like you they are succeeding.

As for "one feels left out," what about the non Muslims who wanted a hot dog Clare? What about them? They are being denied because of jihadist appeasers like you.
Labels: Islam

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Mmmm yeah, must be those pesky Muslims. Can't be anything to do with Jews or Hindus, could it? I mean, it's not as if they have any special dietary requirements, do they?

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