Saturday, April 07, 2007

Close Guantanamo Bay

With thanks to Saboma at Maryannaville™:

President Bush is holding nearly 400 detainees without criminal charges nor trials at Guatanamo Bay. For the first time, some of his top advisors have called for closing this affront to international law, including his own Secretary of Defense. This split inside the Administration gives us a real chance close Guantanamo forever.

There is a new campaign to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. The campaign group's name is Avaaz The whole of this group's purpose has been toward putting together a global petition in order to close Guantanamo Bay and its prison. The petition will be running in key US newspapers and soon as they have signatures from every country so why not join in and add your convictions toward having the place closed down for good. is a community of global citizens who take action on the major issues facing the world today. Its aim is to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people -- and not just political elites and unaccountable corporations -- shape global decisions. Avaaz. org members are taking action for a more just and peaceful world and a vision of globalization with a human face. Avaaz means voice in a variety of Asian, Middle Eastern and European languages. There are already 1 million people from 182 countries that form the community.

I've added my name to the list. Please, will you help out by joining in and signing your name in support of this action?

Sign the Petition Here

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