Friday, March 23, 2007

Satan's Little Helper

Could not believe this evil fuckwit on Question Time last night. When attacked over the war in Iraq, Bolton's standard response:

'I bet you wouldn't have liked to live under Saddam'.

Wow, you cut me down with that one John. Even better was the standard:
'Iraq attacked two of her neighbours.'
Mmm, two you say. Now, one was Kuwait, right? I remember that. Saddam rolled into town and we heroically stepped in. That's right isn't it?? Now, what was the other one? Mmmmmm. Oh yeah, hang on, it was Iran. But didn't we back that war? Yes, I think we did didn't we? And isn't that the country that we are now threatening to invade? But that's ok because we are like the good guys, yeah? So that's ok. And this thing about gassing the Kurds, didn't we play a part in that too? Weren't chemicals sold to Iraq by the West? But, I guess we didn't know what he would use them for. I mean, he seemed so friendly back then. Not like those nasty Iranians. These neo-cons certainly seemed to have mastered the art of double-speak, or talking bollocks if you prefer.
This guy just doesn't stand up to scrutiny. On last night's QT he came across as an intellectual lightweight, which is probably unsurprising given the current resident at the White House. These Republicans sure do crumble when they are faced with an English audience (although for the record I did wish that a few more people would take apart his weak arguments. Actually, I was screaming at the TV with incredulity, again). And as for his response to Tony Benn:
'It isn't worth replying to Mr Benn.'
Is that perhaps because you are unable to justify the actions of a criminal cabal who have contrived to fuck the planet up for a very long time? Cunt.

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