Friday, March 23, 2007

Hope For Guantanamo?

An official has claimed that, if Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is forced to step down due to the ongoing scandal over fired US attorneys, the administration might be forced to rethink Guantanamo Bay. This is certainly encouraging news for those that wish to see an end to this injustice, but it remains to be seen how true this actually is.

The New York Times reported today that Robert Gates, the current defence secretary, argued that Guantanamo should be closed and any trials should be held in America to make them more credible. He was joined by Condoleezza Rice in urging Bush to close Guantanamo as soon as possible. However, Bush put an end to any discussion by taking the advice of Gonzales and Dick Cheney, that detainees should not be brought to America to face trial. However, the recent furore over the US attorneys could see a shift in the balance of power over this issue.

If the Democrats can successfully force Gonzales to step down, there is a reasonable chance that Guantanamo might finally be closed and a degree of justice might be applied to those held there. With a powerful advocate of Guantanamo removed (following on from the loss of Rumsfeld), Bush would be under real pressure to close the camp. While that would not necessarily guarantee justice, it would be a welcome step in the right direction. Gonzales' removal would be a vital step down the road of respecting human rights. Men like David Hicks would finally have a chance of a fair trial (not to mention the minors that were thrown into the camp). Although, at the moment it is just that: a chance.

This revelation also goes to show how isolated Bush is becoming in the White House. He has already lost Rumsfeld and now it looks likely that Gonzales will be next. Republicans around the country are eager to distance themselves from Bush as his popularity sinks to ever lower levels. It is virtually guaranteed that the next Republican candidate will take a different approach to Bush to a certain degree, and any association with Bush is a nail in the coffin of their political careers. One can only hope that the Democrats ensure that Gonzales is forced to step down and the fight for human rights can be won. That is they challenge they need to grasp. Failure to do so would only confirm that the Democrats are just watered down Republicans.

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