Friday, September 08, 2006

Senate Report Concludes No Link Between Hussein and Al-Qaeda

Interesting timing for this report, coming as it does just 3 days before the anniversary of the attacks on New York in 2001 (and hot on the heels of my own debunking of US tactics in the 'war on terror'). The Senate Intelligence Committee has confirmed that there is no evidence that Saddam Hussein had pre-war links with Al-Qaeda. The evidence once again shows the deeply flawed tactics employed by the White House in fighting the 'war on terror'. Instead of concentrating on the obvious enemy (Bin Laden), Bush needed to fulfil his ambition of removing Hussein (a long term goal of the PNAC). Somehow chasing after a leader who posed no threat to the United States, either in terms of military hardware or support for terrorism, was more important than capturing a man who was responsible for the murder of nearly 3,000 people - a strange sense of priority. Maybe this will help the American people realise that the Republican administration may talk tough on terror, but their tactics are deeply flawed. Although, I am sure the right-wing press will conveniently paper over the cracks.

Further links: SIC Report, BBC, Washington Post, New York Times

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