Monday, September 11, 2006

Five Years On......

Five years ago today, 2,973 people died in the attacks on the World Trade Centre. Since that day, the following has occurred:

  • Over 3,000 civilian dead in Afghanistan
  • Over 40,000 civilians dead in Iraq
  • 2,927 Servicemen and women killed in Afghanistan and Iraq
  • The escape of Osama Bin Laden due to the incompetence of the US army
  • The establishment of Guantanamo Bay
  • The Abu Ghraib prison scandal
  • The Haditha massacre
  • The NSA surveillance scandal
  • Extraordinary rendition
  • The establishment of a network of secret CIA prisons

The events of that day seem so far away now. Instead of building on the good will of all nations towards America, the Bush administration (and their right-wing supporters) has abused the memories of the victims. These victims have become nothing more than a political football for the right to use against those who urge caution as they continue to destroy civil liberties in the mis-guided belief that it will end the 'war on terror'.

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