Thursday, August 31, 2006

Catholic Church Condemns Abortion

The Catholic church has once again showed how out of touch it is in some parts of the world. The Catholic church has openly condemned an abortion carried out in Colombia on an 11 year old girl. The girl was raped by her step-father and was eight weeks pregnant at the point of termination. Of course, no-one would support the idea of abortions being carried out like cosmetic surgery, but in this case there can be no doubt that it was fully justified. Yet, the president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, claimed that the girl had:

fallen in the hands of evildoers.

It is clear to me that the evildoers are those that would allow this poor child to suffer the sins of her father. Those who condemn this action should hang their heads in shame. They do a great disservice to all decent Catholics around the globe.

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