You may remember a little while back I posted a slide show of the events surrounding David Hicks' incarceration at Guantanamo Bay. After discovering that there didn't appear to be an embed code for Word Press, RickB at Ten Percent offered to work around this issue. To enable everyone to embed the story on their website, and to encourage a wider audience, RickB created a movie on YouTube using the slide show as a foundation. The video clip also borrows from a speech by Michael Mori, Hicks' defence attorney, which is particularly pertinent given the recent stories surrounding Mori. Anyway, the clip is below, please take the time to sit and watch it (it clocks in at under 5 mins). If you want to add it to your blog, please do so, SPREAD THE WORD. Those that are responsible for this disgrace need to be held to account.
After watching visit Fair Go For David or visit my archive of news stories on Hicks to find out more. Below you will find the embed code to enable you to put this straight onto your site.