Monday, September 04, 2006

Israel Unwilling to Compensate Arab Israelis

If there was any doubt as to what the Israeli state thinks about Arabs, surely that has been eradicated by the news of discrimination in the payment of compensation to those affected by the war with Lebanon. It transpires that the Israeli government is refusing to pay full compensation to Arab Israelis affected by the war. In fact, no Arab communities are included on the full-compensation list despite the fact that some communities were hit by incoming missiles. A petition has been submitted by attorney Samuel Dahwar from the Arab village of Fassouta in Galilee, contesting the compensation system. According to Dahwar:

And yet there are those in the West, particularly on the far-right, who wonder why there is such a feeling of resentment towards the Israeli state. Perhaps that is because stories such as this are barely reported in the Western media.

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