Thursday, August 10, 2006

I Want My Mummy!!

I guess it should have come as no surprise that no sooner had our beloved 'Dr' John 'Wibble' Reid said:

We are probably in the most sustained period of severe threat since the end of World War II,

than a terrorist threat appears from out of the ether. It is almost like it was staged to reinforce the point. 'You don't believe me eh? Ok, well d'you believe me now??' It just seems so laughable to me. Oh the threat, oh the horror. You think you Lebanese have got it bad, man we have to suffer delayed and cancelled flights...that is suffering my friend.

Does anyone else not find the timing disturbing??? I mean, the last time we had a similar event in this country, it was in February 2003. Shortly after this 'reminder', we went to war in Iraq. Now we have a war in Lebanon that breaches international law and is deeply unpopular with the public. What we 'fail' to understand is that this action by Israel is part of the broader strategy of Bush Corps' global war on terror. The prolonged military action is an effort to drag Iran (Hizbollah's 'sponsors') into military action, thus providing a pretext for military action against Iran. It is interesting that as popular opinion continues to turn against the actions of Israel, America and the UK, a major terror alert is announced. An important reminder of the 'enemy' that we supposedly face. Now, I am not suggesting there is some kind of conspiracy at work here, that would be crazy. I mean, after all, it's not like the government has lied to us before is it??

Conveniently, the current 'imminent' threat has forced the latest news from Lebanon right off the news agenda. The Israeli cabinet has approved plans to invade southern Lebanon, a very clear violation of international law. While the UN continues to be stifled by the US government, Israel continues to destroy large areas of the south. Roads, bridges, airports, ports, civilian homes, ambulances, all have been bombed by the Israeli military. And now, it plans a full scale invasion of the south. There is no doubt that this will prove deeply unpopular amongst British and American citizens. Time to remind the people what we are up against.

Still like Bush and Blair said, the world will be a safer place after Saddam. I feel safe, don't you?

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