Saturday, March 04, 2006

Pots and Kettles

Watching Question Time the other night I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Shahid Malik was on the panel representing the Labour Party and he came out with some interesting comments. Not least of which was while the discussion was on Cameron and the Tories. According to Malik Cameron can't just ditch the beliefs of his past to present a positive image to the electorate. Perhaps Malik (and for that matter other Labour politicians) ought to take a look in the mirror before attacking the wishy washy principles of the opposition. After all, this is coming from a socialist party who have long since abandoned left-wing ideals to promote a new right-wing agenda. Tony Blair soon cast off his 'socialist' views when he got a sniff of power. They have sold their souls to the devil and one hopes they pay a heavy price for their duplicity in the past. If only there was an alternative........

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