Thursday, March 16, 2006

A Little Indulgence Please....

Ok, I don't normally endorse things (I wanna keep my site pure from sponsorship by corporations and pure from my own product endorsements - hey, they need no help from me, ok?) but I will relax my rule this one time. I had been staying in Barcelona the past couple of nights (photos to come no doubt!!!!) and I came across a fantastic restaurant. Now, when we looked in I had some reservations (it was empty although, to be fair, it was a Tuesday!) but we were hungry, cold (no, really!!) and tired, so we went in. At first I was perturbed by the Sade style background music, but I let that pass (they wouldn't be playing Grunge Hits now would they??). Anyhow, we went in and the food was fantastic!!! I even congratulated the chef personally (I have never done that before!!) and told him he would get special mention on my blog. I'm so good I am even going to give you the address!!! Ok, it's El Foc (8 Blasco de Garay, near Poble Sec metro station on the green line) Go there and try it when you are in Barcelona, and I promise no more endorsements!!!

If you are Spanish: ¡Hola, amigos! Por favor, visite un restaurante llamado El Foc en Barcelona, donde se come muy bien, ¡De verdad!

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